Convert GHS 7 to HSNO
Use this handy tool to convert GHS 7 Category to HSNO Classification
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 GHS 7 Category to HSNO Classification
Not sure of the HSNO Classification – use the handy tool below to convert from GHS.
The requirement to change SDS to GHS 7 has been brought in by the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) not WorkSafe. The EPA controls approvals for substances imported and used in New Zealand. It also controls and sets the requirements for SDS and what they contain.
Choose the GHS Category closest to the wording on your SDS.
These might not be exactly the same as what you have on your SDS! Some SDS may have these worded slightly differently – there are several different editions of GHS. NZ has adopted GHS 7. The general wording and the category number eg: Category 1A or Category 4 should help differentiate.
Class 1 Explosives have not been included as there is no change for this class.
If the category you are looking for is not on this list then it probably does not have a HSNO Correlation. Some substances have not been included.
For further information visit the EPA Website GHS 7 page or click to download the HSNO:GHS 7 Correlation Table provided by the EPA.